
October: Victory
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What’s the most exciting victory story you’ve ever heard? Well, buckle your seatbelt for this series because nothing is quite as suspenseful as when God helps His people win. The stories of God’s victories are full of surprises! He is with people who face battles, and He’ll use anything—sticky mud, water from a river, a handful of smooth stones, chariots of fire—to triumph. When God is on your side, there’s no reason to worry. We can be strong because He is our strength. God is powerful, and He is always victorious. In this series, we’ll dive into the victorious stories of Deborah and Barak, David, Elisha and Naaman, and Elisha and an army of angels. Who will you share these exciting stories of God’s victory with?

WORD OF WONDER: Here is what I am commanding you to do. Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. I am the Lord your God. I will be with you everywhere you go. —Joshua 1:9

Starting this month, the kids will be encouraged to memorize this Word of Wonder. Each child will be given the verse to take home. We encourage you to post the verse somewhere in your home where you can practice it together every day.

Week One WONDER TRUTH: God Can Work through Unlikely People SCRIPTURE: Judges 4–5 GOD’S BIG STORY: With the wisdom God gives Deborah, the courage of Barak, and the help of a woman named Jael, King Jabin’s army is defeated through unlikely people, and God wins the victory Weekly Devo

Week Two WONDER TRUTH: God Will Always Be Victorious SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 17 GOD’S BIG STORY: King Saul and the nation of Israel overcome a giant challenge when they face the mighty Philistines and their powerful champion, Goliath. But God brings a miraculous victory through a young shepherd boy named David. Weekly Devo

Week Three WONDER TRUTH: God Does What No One Else Can SCRIPTURE: 2 Kings 5 GOD’S BIG STORY: Naaman comes to Israel in search of healing, and through a messenger, Elisha tells him to bathe in the Jordan River. Naaman is healed and learns that God can do what no one else can. Weekly Devo

Week Four WONDER TRUTH: God Is Powerful SCRIPTURE: 2 Kings 6 GOD’S BIG STORY: When the King of Aram sends troops to capture Elisha, Elisha’s servant is afraid until God opens the servant’s eyes. Then he can see hillsides covered with angels, horses, and chariots of fire. Weekly Devo

Wednesday August 28th, 2024

Northgate is a non-denominational church located in beautiful Benicia, CA. Our staff and volunteers can't wait to meet and pray with you.

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Benicia, CA 94510
(707) 747-5855

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